This document will help you upgrade Continuum from 1.2.x to 1.3.3 and above.
When upgrading Continuum, it could have some database model changes. Usually these changes will be migrated for you, but in some cases you may need to use a backup from the previous version and restore that data into the new version. The Data Management tool exports data from the old database model and imports the data into the new database model.
If you had used the APP_BASE environment variable in Continuum 1.2 to differentiate your configuration from the installation, you should rename it to CONTINUUM_BASE in Continuum 1.3.
The Jetty version in Continuum 1.4.1 and above has been upgraded to 8.1.7. When upgrading to Continuum 1.4.1 or higher, there is a need to update the contents of $CONTINUUM_BASE/conf/wrapper.conf to match the one included in the new distribution if any copies or modifications have been made. The jetty.xml format has also changed, and should be re-added from the distribution with any modifications previously made. It is no longer read from $CONTINUUM_BASE, and JNDI connections can now be managed via the files in the contexts directory.
The Jetty version in Continuum 1.3.4 and above has been upgraded to 6.1.19. When upgrading to Continuum 1.3.4 or higher, there is a need to update the library contents listed in $CONTINUUM_BASE/conf/wrapper.conf with the ones included in the new distribution especially if the $CONTINUUM_BASE directory is separate from the installation.
In Continuum 1.3.6, configuration for local repositories in build agents were added. This is used to match the local repository in the build agent to that of the local repository (used by the project to be built) set in the master. So if you are upgrading from a lower version, you might need to add the localRepositories configuration in your build agent's configuration file. For more details, read Installing and Configuring a Build Agent.
There are 2 databases that need to be considered: one for the builds and one for the users.
While the databases typically auto-upgrade across releases, you may wish to perform an export and import to have full control of the upgrade, make modifications to the data, or retain a backup in case a downgrade is needed.
First, download the Data Management tools you will need. The tool is a standalone JAR that you can download from the central repo.
You will need to download two versions of the tool, one for the export out of the old version and one for the import into the new version:
Note: The 1.2, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 released versions of this tool have a bug. To export databases from 1.2.2 or 1.2.3, you will need to use version of the tool. To export databases from 1.2, you may use the 1.1 version of the tool.
Next, follow these steps to export data from the old version
java -Xmx512m -jar data-management-cli- \ -buildsJdbcUrl jdbc:derby:${old.continuum.home}/data/databases/continuum \ -mode EXPORT \ -directory backups
Then, follow these steps to import the data to the new version
java -Xmx512m -jar data-management-cli-1.4.3-SNAPSHOT-app.jar \ -buildsJdbcUrl jdbc:derby:${new.continuum.home}/data/databases/continuum \ -mode IMPORT \ -directory backups -strict
Note: Remove -strict when importing data from 1.3.1 to 1.3.x to ignore unrecognized tags due to model changes.
Finally, be aware that sometimes the NEXT_VAL values in the SEQUENCE_TABLE need to be adjusted. Before starting Continuum for the first time after the import, connect to the database with a client like Squirrel SQL and check the values in the NEXT_VAL column of the SEQUENCE_TABLE.
Values must be greater than the max ID value in each table. For example, the next value of org.apache.maven.continuum.model.Project must be greater than the greatest ID in Project table.
Here are some example SQL statements. You may need to add or remove lines depending on the contents of your database.
UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(systemconfiguration_id)+1 from SYSTEMCONFIGURATION) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.system.SystemConfiguration'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from BUILDQUEUE) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildQueue'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from SCHEDULE) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.Schedule'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from BUILDDEFINITION) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinition'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from LOCALREPOSITORY) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.continuum.model.repository.LocalRepository'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from PROJECTGROUP) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroup'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(scmresult_id)+1 from SCMRESULT) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.scm.ScmResult'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(projectdependency_id)+1 from PROJECTDEPENDENCY) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectDependency'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from BUILDDEFINITIONTEMPLATE) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.BuildDefinitionTemplate'; UPDATE SEQUENCE_TABLE set NEXT_VAL = (select max(id)+1 from ABSTRACTPURGECONFIGURATION) WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME='org.apache.continuum.model.repository.AbstractPurgeConfiguration';
Now you can start your new version of Continuum.