Releasing Projects

The release process has two steps, Prepare and Perform.

  1. First, it prepares your project for release by doing the following:
    • Checks that your project is in a "releasable" state.
    • Updates the POMs for the new development version.
    • Runs a test build.
    • Generates a tag for the release.
    • Generates the artifact to be deployed, such as a jar file.
    • Generates the site and deploys it.
    • Commits the new POMs to the new development version. It will do the commit to the SCM connection URL you specify (explained later).
  2. Then the release management system performs the release by checking out a clean copy of the tagged release and deploying the artifacts and site.

Modifying POM for Release

The source code control system you use must be specified in your POM file in an scm entry similar to the one shown here:


To determine what to enter for your connection URL (the " <connection> " tag) go to the link for a list of supported SCMs and click on your source code control system to see the appropriate syntax for your particular software.

In general the format for an SCM URL is: scm:<scm_provider><delimiter><provider_specific_part>

In the example above, the scm_provider is "svn" (Subversion). The delimiter is a colon. And the rest of the line is the "provider_specific_part".

It is important to prepare the release just before performing the release. The reason these processes have been separated into two steps is to allow the user to confirm that everything has been set correctly before the actual release. If between the prepare and performing of the release there is a change to the SCM tree, an error will occur causing the prepare process to restart.