2016/05/18 - Apache Continuum has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

The Continuum Community

Continuum, like any other open source project, relies heavily on the efforts of the entire user community to be ever vigilent for improvements, logging of defects, communicating use-cases, generating documentation, and being wary of other users in need. This is a quick guide outlining what members of the Continuum community may do to make the system work better for everyone.

Helping With Continuum

There is already a comprehensive Guide to Helping With Continuum. That guide focuses upon beginning as a supporter, with information on how to help the coding effort.

Commit Questions or Answers to the Continuum User FAQ

Documentation is currently a very high priority for the Continuum community. Please help out where ever you can, specifically in the work-in-progress FAQ Wiki.

Help Log Defects in JIRA

Just as any other healthy project requires a quick turn-around on defects, and a transparent method for users to have their wishes heard, so too does Continuum need your help.


For developers, commiters, PMC: there is a Developers Guide.

User Gathering Spots

These are a few of the watering holes around which Continuum users tend to gather.

Mailing Lists

Continuum has a number of Mailing Lists, and a the Continuum User List is specifically dedicated to answering questions about all things Continuum.


Log into the #apache-continuum IRC channel on irc.freenode.net. If you would like to access this over a web interface, you can do so at http://webchat.freenode.net/.