Add a Project

Maven 2 project

From the menu, choose the 'Maven 2.0.x Project' entry

Add a maven2 project

The pom.xml file must be available through one of the following protocols: http, https, or ftp (The file protocol is also supported but is disabled by default for security and must be enabled manually).

Or it can be uploaded from a local file (Note this doesn't support multi modules project).

Add a maven2 project

You can define username/password if the POM URL requires authentication.

If your SCM stores credentials like CVS or SVN and you want to use the SCM Credentials cache, check the "Use SCM Credentials Cache" field.

You can define the group you want to use or "Defined by POM" in this case will be use as Project Group.

You cannot add a duplicate project (duplicates would mean another instance of a project with the same groupId, artifactId, and version) in the same Project Group.

By default, Continuum adds each sub-module POM as an individual Continuum Project. If you want to add only the root POM without sub-modules, check the "load only root as recursive build" field.

You can choose a Build Definition Template which will be applied to your project. If you choose a Build Definition Template, the build definitions from the template will be added in addition to any build definitions that are defined at the project group level.

When adding projects whose parent project is building on another server, make sure that the settings.xml exists in [USER_HOME]/.m2/ directory. Continuum uses [USER_HOME]/.m2/settings.xml and not the one found in [M2_HOME]/conf/.

Maven 1 project

From the menu, choose the 'Maven 1.x Project' entry

Add a maven1 project

The project.xml file must be available through one of the following format : http, https and ftp (file protocol is off by default for security and must enabled manually).

Or it can be uploaded (Note this doesn't support multi modules project).

The project you're adding can't use a parent.

Add a maven1 project

You can define username/password if the POM URL require an authentication.

If your SCM store credentials like CVS or SVN and you want to use the SCM Credentials cache, check the "Use SCM Credentials Cache" field.

You can define the group you want to use or "Defined by POM." In this case will be used as the Project Group.

You cannot add a duplicate project (duplicates would mean another instance of a project with the same groupId, artifactId, and version) in the same Project Group.

You can choose a Build Definition Template which will be applied to your project.

ANT Project

From the menu, choose the 'Ant Project' entry

Add a Ant project


Add a Ant project

Shell Project

From the menu, choose the 'Shell Project' entry

Add a shell project


Add a shell script project

Add a project from the Project Group

From the Project Group, you can add a project without using the menu. With this operation, the Project Group will be set to the current group.

Add a project from a project group

Scm hints


With ClearCase, you can configure SCM things in few ways. For example, you can use, in the scm URL in your POM, the absolute path of your config spec file like this:


The SCM URL format used for ClearCase is defined here

and you can create a clearcase-settings.xml file under $user.home/.scm/ with the following content:


This configuration won't work with each ClearCase installation because each ClearCase configuration is different, so we recommend reading the ClearCase page on the Maven-SCM site.