LDAP Configuration

Continuum support LDAP for authentication. To configure it, you should follow these steps:

  • Shutdown Continuum
  • Open apps/continuum/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/plexus/application.xml and uncomment the following xml
       Ldap Authentication can be enabled by setting enabling these components and setting the following configuration options in your security.properties file
       until this process is better documented, the following is the document for configuration ldap with redback

    this component manages the connection to the ldap server
     * hostname - The hostname of the ldap server
     * port - The port of the ldap server
     * baseDn - The baseDn of the ldap system
     * contextFactory - context factory for ldap connections
     * password - password for the bindDn for the root ldap connection
     * bindDn - the core user used for authentication the ldap server, must be able to perform the necessary searches, etc.

    <!-- component>
    this component manages the mapping of attributes in ldap to user information in redback
     * email-attribute - The name of the attribute on a user that contains the email address
     * full-name-attribute - The name of the attribute on a user that contains the users fullName
     * password-attribute - The name of the attribute containing the users password, used for the authentiction using the user manager and not the ldap bind authenticator
     * user-id-attribute - The name of the attribute containing the users userId, most commonly cn or sn.
     * user-base-dn - The base dn that will be subtree searched for users.
     * user-object-class - the objectClass used in the ldap server for indentifying users, most commonly inetOrgPerson.
    <!-- component>
    If caching is desired then make uncomment this and make sure the following configuration parameter is in the security.properties
    <!-- component>
    if using the user manager authenticator to authenticate the user and not the ldap bind authenticator make sure
    this definition has the correct password encoder
    Note: you should probably just use the ldap bind authenticator which is enabled by putting
    in the security.properties
    <!-- component>
      <description>User Security Policy.</description>

All you need to configure is the ConfigurableLdapConnectionFactory and LdapUserMapper components

  • Add a security.properties files under $CONTINUUM_HOME/conf/ with the following content:

    adminuser is a LDAP user and will be the default Continuum admin. guestuser is a LDAP user and will be used for the guest role, generally, it is an utility LDAP account.

  • Restart Continuum

Other resources

Redback LDAP page